

by on Oct.12, 2010, under Uncategorized

Building Homes! So I got bored this weekend and got an email about LWCAD. Okay, sure, why not. I installed the plugin, followed a tutorial by Viktor to learn the tool, and blam! I built a house. Easy-pesy. Distracted by some Ghost in the Shell on the tube, this took me about 3 hours.

The render sucks, but most of mine do. I feel like I could play with those lighting/render/camera settings for years and never get the combination I want. Someday, I’ll sit down and learn it. Someday.

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by on Feb.05, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

The Redux. Okay, so I wasn’t too happy with the last video, so I redid it. Now I’m not saying this one is fantastic or anything, but I do like it better. Added a couple of bits at the end too for good measure.

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by on Jan.24, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

Sweat Release. Finished the upper body rig. Well, that’s relative I guess, as I plan to remake the whole rig again from scratch. This quick animation was just to see the rig in action.

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by on Jan.17, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

It jumps. Sort of. I’ve been working on the leg rig this week for Manny. More of a practice run really, because I’ll probably need to redo the whole thing. This quick animation was just to test the rig, plus I wanted to see that post-processing in action.

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by on Jan.10, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Just Playin'

That should really be .renders.fun, but oh well. Actually that is a lie too. I find nothing fun about texturing. Necessary evil though. Anyway, .renders. would have been better titles for these last two posts because although there is some texturing going on, many of the effects are not due to texturing.

I’m pretty rusty with the whole 3d pipeline, but I’m especially rusty at texturing and other rendering techniques. So, today I played. I just setup a scene and then started clicking on stuff to see how it renders. Sometimes that’s best (sometimes not). Below are the renders I decided to keep.

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by on Jan.10, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Just Playin'

Warhol! Okay, I’m just fooling around a bit with texturing, so I thought I’d play a little tribute.

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by on Dec.13, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

More stuff! I added a couple more props. The pencil I did way back when I made the manikin. The wire spool I whipped up today.

I also textured the shoebox. I’m not a fan of texturing (hate it really) and I am usually pretty happy just leaving everything gray, but for some reason that box was screaming ‘texture me’. I also made the mirror more mirror like. You’ll notice back in the old days I did texture stuff (manikin and pencil are evidence of that).

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by on Dec.13, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

anima-what? I want to do an animation project of some kind. I found the old Artist Manikin I made ages ago and thought I could do something with it. I’m not completely sure what I’m going to do, but did feel I needed some extra props to use. And what artist manikin animation would be completely without an x-acto knife, a hand mirror, a dowel, and a shoebox??

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by on Oct.29, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Finished/Untextured, Work-in-progess

Sound of Music. So, ummm yeah, it’s been awhile. Which really means I’m rusty at this modeling stuff. Stuff happens, time passes, I get rusty, it’s the way of things. Anyway, to get back into some modeling I needed something easy’ish, so I made this Yamaha CGX101a.

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by on Mar.01, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Finished/Textured

Orange Vehicles. Okay, I haven’t cranked up Lightwave in forever. But with the relatively recent release of 9.6 I thought I’d get it all set up. Oddly, the first thing I tackled was texturing my old Viper model.  It’s odd because I’m not a fan of texturing.  Perhaps I’m a bit scared of finding out how much my modeling skills have suffered due to lack of use.

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