


by on Feb.05, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

The Redux. Okay, so I wasn’t too happy with the last video, so I redid it. Now I’m not saying this one is fantastic or anything, but I do like it better. Added a couple of bits at the end too for good measure.

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by on Jan.24, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

Sweat Release. Finished the upper body rig. Well, that’s relative I guess, as I plan to remake the whole rig again from scratch. This quick animation was just to see the rig in action.

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by on Jan.17, 2010, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

It jumps. Sort of. I’ve been working on the leg rig this week for Manny. More of a practice run really, because I’ll probably need to redo the whole thing. This quick animation was just to test the rig, plus I wanted to see that post-processing in action.

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by on Dec.13, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

More stuff! I added a couple more props. The pencil I did way back when I made the manikin. The wire spool I whipped up today.

I also textured the shoebox. I’m not a fan of texturing (hate it really) and I am usually pretty happy just leaving everything gray, but for some reason that box was screaming ‘texture me’. I also made the mirror more mirror like. You’ll notice back in the old days I did texture stuff (manikin and pencil are evidence of that).

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by on Dec.13, 2009, under 3d Modeling, Animation, Work-in-progess

anima-what? I want to do an animation project of some kind. I found the old Artist Manikin I made ages ago and thought I could do something with it. I’m not completely sure what I’m going to do, but did feel I needed some extra props to use. And what artist manikin animation would be completely without an x-acto knife, a hand mirror, a dowel, and a shoebox??

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