

Dogfights on History Channel

by on Nov.14, 2006, under Other

Are you watching? You should be. The History channel has a new series called Dogfights (info here).  If you are into military history at all this is some good watching. On top of that, a couple of fellow students from my DAVE School days are working on the series. You can see new episodes every Friday night at 11pm.  The episode airing December 15th, I hear, will be particularly good. 😉

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ARC-170 Reference

by on Apr.29, 2006, under Other

Ailerons? Phew. I haven’t had much time to work on the ARC-170 this week but I should have some new renders tomorrow sometime. Today I decided to get some reference shots from the movie so I could compare them to the plastic model I’m working from. Overall I would say the plastic model is pretty close, so I’ll continue to base my 3d version off of it.

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by on Apr.11, 2006, under Other

Ship Ahoy! Here is another project that is taking up my time.  More of a real life modeling project, but modeling none the less. I’m not sure I have the skill to make this, but the several hours of work I’ve already put into it I’ve really enjoyed. However, between work, this model, my 3d modeling, and working on this site I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. I suppose I’ll live though.

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