
Archive for September, 2006


by on Sep.19, 2006, under Site News

signal coming in. So, you see I took a couple of weeks off from modeling.  Usual story of, you know, stuff is happening.  Shortly, however, I will be starting…. you guess it, two more ships.  British Battleships this time.  I’ve also thought about doing some more organic modeling.  After I left school in the organic modeling block I didn’t really get to learn all the skills involved.  In addition to that, I do enjoy hardware modeling the best. So over the last few months that’s what I’ve concentrated on (you know, a bazillion ships). So basically that leaves me without full training, I wasn’t the best at it to begin with, and have had months to forget what I did know.  All that adds up to, “hummm, I should do some organic modeling.”  Anything to avoid texturing I say!

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by on Sep.04, 2006, under 3d Modeling, Finished/Untextured

Back to the shipyard. Here are some progress renders of a Casablanca Class escort carrier. This class of carrier was made somewhat famous during the Battle Off Samar in 1944, where a Task Force of these carriers came under fire from a Japanese Fleet. If interested you can read a great online book about the battle at www.bosamar.com.

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