
Look… A Post!

by on Feb.28, 2009, under Site News

Yes, yes, yes… I know.

I suck at keeping this blog up to date. And even though I am posting right now, I’m not going to promise the obligatory “I’m going to try harder…” post. I have moved this domain over to a new registar as well as new hosting company.

And although that doesn’t mean I’ll spend more time here, it does mean I’ve invested enough to keep it up. So maybe….

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by on Jan.28, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Work-in-progess

Cube farm? I’m still working on this as well. Just not a whole lot of render opportunities right now.

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by on Jan.26, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Finished/Untextured

What was that reverse thrusters thing? I’m pretty much done modeling this. I might go tweak some things, but for the most part it’s done.

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by on Jan.22, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Work-in-progess

Hit the thrusters! Here is a quick update render of the viper. Still have lots of work to do.

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by on Jan.19, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Work-in-progess

Snakes on a spaceship? Here is something else I’m working on in my spare time. I’m following a tutorial to make this because I wanted to learn some new techniques. After making all those ships I have developed certain ways of doing things, with some techniques self taught. So I basically decided that I needed to see some different perspectives on modeling. I got several from the DAVE and developed several over time on my own, but just want to make sure I keep learning. Anyway, here is a render of my early effort:

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by on Jan.15, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Work-in-progess

Huff & Puff. Quick update…

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by on Jan.14, 2007, under 3d Modeling, Work-in-progess

Ships to Buildings? That’s tame. Here is something new. I started this a couple of days ago and I’m hoping to actually texture this one! 😉 I might start a couple more projects next week as well.

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Dogfights on History Channel

by on Nov.14, 2006, under Other

Are you watching? You should be. The History channel has a new series called Dogfights (info here).  If you are into military history at all this is some good watching. On top of that, a couple of fellow students from my DAVE School days are working on the series. You can see new episodes every Friday night at 11pm.  The episode airing December 15th, I hear, will be particularly good. 😉

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Site Update.02

by on Nov.14, 2006, under Site News

What? Again? I’ve switched blogging engines again and went with WordPress. Mainly I did this because it uses MySQL as a backend instead of an xml file that DasBlog used. This should hopefully speed the blog up a bit.  WordPress uses php for the front end instead of aspx, but I can live with that.

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King George V.03

by on Oct.25, 2006, under 3d Modeling, Finished/Untextured

Whoops. Forgot to post these final renders.

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